
Student designer Syl Xu fits the skirt of Vice President for 大学的发展 Louise Furrow’s gown

Student designer Syl Xu fits the skirt of Vice President for 大学的发展 Louise Furrow’s gown

Physics department and 约翰·珀金斯中心 collaborate on NSF-funded research

国家科学基金会的资助, 2016年6月开始, is funding SPU research on university-level 物理 teaching methods that will challenge and empower instructors to make their teaching and assessment more inclusive for students from underrepresented minority groups. In a partnership between two SPU departments, the 物理教育研究小组约翰·珀金斯中心 for Reconciliation, Leadership Training, and 社区 Development, the research will gather best practices from a variety of 物理 departments around the U.S. and train instructors in how to use those practices.

Business professor Denise Daniels to collaborate on 信仰 and Work research grant from Lilly

Lilly Endowment Inc .的一笔赠款. will enable researchers from Rice University and 西雅图 Pacific to examine the relationship between work and faith. They hope to gain an understanding of how people from diverse workplaces and socio-economic backgrounds integrate their religious views into their work. 由1美元资助.5 million grant, Denise Daniels, SPU professor of management in the 商业、政府和经济学院, 会和伊莱恩·霍华德·埃克伦合作吗, Religion and Public Life Program director at Rice and scholar at the Baker Institute for Public 政策.


斯蒂芬·纽比 composes music for musical Free Boy

Associate Professor of Music 斯蒂芬·纽比 was commissioned by 西雅图’s 5th Avenue Theatre to compose a children’s musical theatre production based on the novel 《自由男孩:一个奴隶和主人的真实故事, about an African-American enslaved boy who ran away to Canada. The musical was on tour until the end of May in schools across Washington state. Based on the book by 西雅图’s Museum of History and Industry historian-emeritus Lorraine McConaghy and 西雅图 historian Judy Bentley, the musical tells the tale of young Charles Mitchell, brought to Washington Territory as a slave in 1855, 以及他后来逃到不列颠哥伦比亚省.

Classical mythology and pop songs highlighted in annual lecture

欧文埃瓦尔德, associate professor of classics, delivered the 2017 C. May Marston Lecture “Classics and Popular Music” on February 7. Classical literature has inspired popular music of the last six decades in often surprising ways. 四种古老体裁——史诗, 悲剧, 哲学, and historical writing — seem to have the most influence on Anglophone popular music, 从鲍勃·迪伦到莎拉·道格. Ewald offered examples including brief allusions or metaphors, as well as others that rework ancient narratives or even offer creative translations set to music.



生态学专业 在哥斯达黎加度过了一段时间, after which she served as a study abroad global ambassador, 与其他学生分享她的经验. Rubenstein also worked as an intern at the 西雅图 Aquarium on the bird and mammal team. During her time at SPU, Rubenstein also participated in the 大学学者 程序, with her final paper titled “Effects of ZooTunes Concert Decibel Levels on the Behavior of Five Species at Woodland Park Zoo.毕业后, she returned to Costa Rica for an internship as a naturalist guide in the Monteverde Cloud Forest.

Meet more graduates from the Class of 2017 and read their stories at geo-drillchina.com/classof2017.


丹尼尔Castelo 交付2017年Winifred E. 湿的讲座, “The World is Our Parish: Struggling with Catholicity in our Western Context” on April 10. 他谈到了, 鉴于人口结构的变化, Christianity is significantly a non-Western religion 今天, yet those of us in the West continue to perpetuate a kind of privilege in the way we speak and understand Christianity in part because of the intimate connections between Christianity 和 West historically. 会涉及到什么, 他问, if Western Christians were to change course and truly believe, 当他们坦白的时候, 他们都是至圣者的一部分, 天主教, 和使徒教会? Castelo is professor of dogmatic and constructive theology in SPU’s 神学院.


现在已经是第15年了, the annual Erickson Undergraduate Research Conference gives students an opportunity to present their original scientific research, 还有一位顶尖科学家的演讲. 这 year’s keynote address was given by Richard Feely, senior scientist at the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory.

会议, 五月十二日举行, featured seven concurrent student oral presentation sessions, with a total of 28 presentations of original research 和工程 design. 与此同时, 52 student groups presented posters across all of SPU’s STEM disciplines — bio化学, 生物学, 化学, 数学, 物理, 计算机科学, 和工程.

从左到右:犁沟, 学生设计师Sarah Maberry, 帕姆马丁, 以及服装设计教员萨拉·莫舍.

从左到右:犁沟, 学生设计师Sarah Maberry, 帕姆马丁, 以及服装设计教员萨拉·莫舍.


接下来是天桥风云式的比赛, student designers Syl Xu and Sarah Maberry designed and produced custom evening gowns for Louise Furrow, 副总裁 大学的发展帕姆·马丁,SPU主席的妻子 丹•马丁. Furrow and Martin wore the gowns to SPU’s 125th Anniversary Gala.

她的风格目标是“优雅”, 简单而美丽,徐说。, who is completing a yearlong 程序 at New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology as part of her SPU degree. 徐和马贝利都是 服装设计及销售 SPU的专业 家庭与消费者科学系. With fittings throughout the year, Furrow and Martin debuted their dresses at the gala. Furrow says she enjoyed getting to tell other gala attendees that her dress was student-designed.

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